TTAVIP keeps your system operating efficiently with Windows Patches and Updates, also helping to protect against ever-evolving security threats,


It is critical to install security updates to protect your systems from malicious attacks.

In the long run, it is also important to install software updates, not only to access new features, but also to be on the safe side in terms of security loop holes being discovered in outdated programs.

TTAVIP Server Update Services enables information technology administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates.

We fully manage the distribution of updates that are released through Microsoft Update to computers on your network.

Think of a software patch as an armor that repels attacks and protects against various exploits.


Update management is the process of controlling the deployment and maintenance of interim software releases into production environments.

It helps you maintain operational efficiency, overcome security vulnerabilities, and maintain the stability of your production environment..

Case in point: The vast majority of cyberattacks take advantage of known software and hardware vulnerabilities (not to mention clueless users!).

The 2021 edition of the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report revealed 70% of successful cyberattacks exploited known vulnerabilities with available patches.


CALL US AT 833.4TTAVIP or email below for a FREE ESTIMATE to start your TTAVIP HOSTING plan today!